If you consider yourself strong enough to withstand tearjerkers, then ‘Sylvia’ is for you.
The very opening shot introduces us to Sylvia, the car and the family scooped up in her. It’s a typical family. We hear the laughter and the admonishments and it brings a smile to our face. A women tribe, out on an adventure, with candies and ice creams for company. Jolie Lennon as Mandy is an absolute delight to the eyes. Whether it is her vulnerable self seeking solace in reviving memories of her near and dear ones or the instances where she lets herself loose, she strikes up an instant connect. Her past is an overwhelming tragedy that looms around her; always. But, despite that, she holds on; to her life and all that made her life exquisite and in spite of all the odds, stays strong amidst the roadblocks that pepper her life’s journey.

Sylvia like Mandy has been broken down on more than one occasion and yet she has re-emerged, each time, like the phoenix from the ashes. It doesn’t take long to draw the analogy; that Mandy and Sylvia are alike. Based on a true story, ‘Sylvia’ tugs at one’s heart as it unplugs the most poignant, moving and trying moments of Mandy’s life. Her decision to sell off her prized possession in order to deal with the mounting financial debts doesn’t end the story; in fact proves to be the turning point of another, best left to be experienced by watching the film… ‘Sylvia’ is a film that’s high on emotions replete with good, old family bonding. Brian (Benjamin Hartley), the buyer, also adds lustre to this great story that promises to move
The director (Richard Prendergast) has done a very neat job at skillfully extracting the best out of his cast. The music (additional composer Jonathan Hamer) is soulful and serves to incapacitate even those who are restless, thus creating an aura that is hard to resist. The editing (Jack Clayton-Wright) is crisp and makes the 16:53 minutes of footage seem just fitting to its storyline. ‘Sylvia’ is for everyone; it’s moving, poignant and a heart touching tale of a family and the trials and tribulations it undergoes; all seen through the prism of its lead character.
Highly, highly recommended!
#ShortFilmReview: 'Sylvia' is a road trip that will stay with you, forever… Share on X