Incompleteness: A Series That Questions Everything
A three-part series, Dave Ash’s Incompleteness intertwines three different storylines to delve into questions of metaphysics and ask larger questions ...
A three-part series, Dave Ash’s Incompleteness intertwines three different storylines to delve into questions of metaphysics and ask larger questions ...
Mannen som inte ville gråta (The Man Who Wouldn’t Cry) is a comedy that serves as a guise beneath which ...
Piotr Szkopiak’s Two Knights is a dark-toned story of anger, questioning righteousness, morality, and the bounds of religion and duty. ...
From the name itself, it is evident that Toni Nordli’s Six Feet of Separation is located within the pandemic era. ...
Vivian Ip’s An Island Drifts has its characters faced with irreconcilably large consequences to their actions. The characters, a little ...
Ali Matlock’s Shadows Of The Dust beguiles its viewer until the very last moment as to its direction, resulting in ...
Malakai Tyne Bisel’s Saternus just shies away from satirizing the dark world of cults. But centred around the members of ...
Nikhail Asnani’s 10-minute horror Seed follows a witch’s mission to grow her olive tree. Set in broad daylight despite the ...
Riley Lynch’s Hardcore Halbert (written by Craig Lief) brings together two discordant ideas that fall into place with ease. Halbert ...
Joe Mitchell’s Bottom Of The Night is a 15-minute comedy featuring the director as a cop pulling a revenge prank ...
Indie Shorts Mag is a publishing agency that works within the ‘short film circuit’. We review short films, documentaries, music videos and web series, amongst others. We stand out amongst the short film review sites for being multi-diverse & global in our platform and reach.
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