Up and Down: The Unravelling of a Routine and the Self it Protects
Luke Masella’s 9-minute Up and Down is an astute character study of its protagonist, a man who might as well ...
Luke Masella’s 9-minute Up and Down is an astute character study of its protagonist, a man who might as well ...
Spencer LeGros and Alexander Hinsch’s A Letter From Home delves into the life of trauma that war veterans return to, ...
Joseph Sacks’ The Mask in Our Hands is a dystopian sci-fi that derives its aesthetics from Blade Runner but is ...
Steve Exeter’s Òran na h-Eala (translating to Song of the Swan) portrays Moira Shearer’s experiences as she teeters on the ...
Phil Dunn’s The Stupid Boy brings together a boy who is reluctant to accept that others can be malicious, and ...
Yohanan Doron’s Artifice is an experimental fashion short set within a woman’s fever dream as she and multiple others wait ...
Miida Chu’s Eureka is an intimate journey into the experiences of a young girl straining to rupture the walls that ...
Issack Cintrón’s Early Bird is set in the aftermath of a heist. Following a bounty hunter and the last man ...
Cleto Acosta-McKillop’s 8-minute Kintsugi uses the philosophy behind the Japanese practice to craft a film about shifting times. A larger ...
Anastasia Norenko’s On the Third Step is a 19-minute Russian crime thriller about a hit gone wrong. Seen in flashbacks, ...
Indie Shorts Mag is a publishing agency that works within the ‘short film circuit’. We review short films, documentaries, music videos and web series, amongst others. We stand out amongst the short film review sites for being multi-diverse & global in our platform and reach.
Our team works tirelessly to help promote, publicize and market your short films that deserve the shout-out! Besides reviews, we host film festival news as it’s a known fact that the film festival buzz is unmissable and we ensure you aren’t left behind!
We aspire to form a niche for ourselves as the ‘short film magazine’ that remains the hub for filmmakers & their audience.
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