‘LUCID’ Recounts The Life Of An Ex-Addict…

LUCID - Short Film Review - Indie Shorts Mag

This 38:22 minutes long film centres on Adrian (Samuel Gomez), a former addict whose own efforts to rehabilitate himself has doubled thanks to the will of his girlfriend, Nadia (Vanessa Rubio). If you thought director Adam Gonzalez would have it that easy for you, you’re mistaken! He flexes his directorial muscle to offer you a narrative that is shocking, unpredictable and invigorating! As Adrian realises how complicated lives can be beyond drugs and alcohol, you do too!

As Adrian struggles to surge past the complications of his love life and other issues, his every roadblock faced, pushes him to revert to his former lifestyle. Nadia, on the other hand, is the anchor that he needs and perhaps undeservingly and unintentionally remains the recipient of many of Adrian’s vices. The dynamics of their relationship is well played out in Samuel Gomez’s writing with the narrative revealing a lot more to its audience than even its characters!

The movie stands out primarily because of its writing. With the unexpected twists, character dynamics both internal and external well explored, the writing is topnotch undoubtedly. Add to that, Leon Porcher’s music complements the film well.

Adam Gonzalez’s direction and editing are skilful. As the film carried parallel narratives and several points of views across different time periods, the plot could have easily been lost to chaos, but thanks to the one-man-show of Adam Gonzalez with his direction, editing and cinematography, the film remains engaging with its audience.

The film does, however, have a slow start that picks up pace only in the second half. Perhaps this was intentional from its makers to give the audience the time to invest in the characters.  However, the highlight of the film remains in its climax. It quite assuredly will leave you with goosebumps!

Gomez as Adrian steals the limelight & Rubio reaches her best towards the second half. The film remains a worthwhile watch because of an engaging narrative with an even more compelling performance by its lead pair!

Watch Lucid Short Film Trailer

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