This Women’s Day Join ‘Mrs. Poucheau’ To Chronicle A Woman’s Journey!

This Women’s Day Join ‘Mrs. Poucheau’ To Chronicle A Woman’s Journey! - Mrs. Poucheau - Short Film Review - Indie Shorts Mag

She stands there languorously, against the wooden pillar; her shoulder holding her gentle frame still. Her face broken into a half smile, her eyes retreated into another world; she is a woman who has lived. As a kaleidoscope of memories dances before her eyes, a knowing smile widens; her eyes riveted by the flashes of a familiar person before her, she acknowledges her with affection. She is a woman, like the many you’ve encountered in your life; she is a woman like none you’ve met so far.

Played brilliantly by actress & singer Cachito Noguera, Mrs. Poucheau is the story of a woman’s journey, filled with love and loss, hope and reconciliation. As she filters through the sieve of her mind, a thousand moments play tricks to her mind, yo-yoing her between her own youth and age, life and death and somewhere in between, beyond the confines of time in itself. Directed by Spanish director Amanda Lago, this short film of 3:58 minutes in duration covers the entire life cycle of a woman and touches upon familiar themes. But, don’t get tricked into thinking you’ve seen it all. Cinematographer Diego Aldabaldetrecu & art director Isis Decoura create a world of cinematic fluidity playing with light both indoors and outdoors. Music although sparingly used, Horror.Vacui adds a subtle tenor to the narrative. Noguera’s acting brings to life the character’s entire lifetime. As visions of her former self, of her lost youth, of a time varnished in the veneer of age are brought on to screen, she stands there motionless observing them all. Noguera here transforms into the character effortlessly.

Raúl Ferrer’s script however remains the crowning glory of this movie. (The subtitles are a boon to those unfamiliar with French.) With a story as complex, deep and as is the case with most realistic exhibitions, a bit discomforting, like this one, Ferrer manages to produce a watertight script that plays with your emotions. Peppered with experienced nuances, the script carries an undertone of tragedy and triumph in equal measure. Lines like ‘twilight never comes twice the same day’ and ‘Mrs. Poucheau keeps smiling, just the way she was when you left her behind’ goes on to show the exemplary, thought provoking storyline presented.

Watch Mrs. Poucheau to discover how she resonates in all of us, be gobsmacked at the revelation of who she is and just begin to understand how nature plays a woman out. This women’s day celebrate all the joys and worries that come with womanhood, they’re unmissable like Mrs. Poucheau.

Mrs. Poucheau will be released online on International Women’s Day (8th March 2018). Come back later to watch the film here.

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