‘Pearl’ Is A Kaleidoscope Of Parental Dreams & Sacrifices

01 Pearl - Oscar Shortlisted Short Film Review - Indie Shorts Mag

Directed by Academy Award winner Patrick Osborne, ‘Pearl’ traces the musical journey of a father-daughter duo over a span of dreams & sacrifices. Set in the confines of their hatchback, the story cruises through the girl’s journey with her father across places, as he makes a living out of singing. With constant music, a loving dad and a cozy backseat, little Sara finds home in the interiors of her car. As unsettling as that might seem to the rest, Sara & her Dad in fact, bond over these travels and shared love for music. ‘No Wrong Way Home’ performed by Nicki Bluhm & Kelley Stoltz sets the perfect tone for this narrative.

Little Sara & her Dad travel across country roads and seasons, warming each other in the chilly winter mornings with their guitar chords and chasing fireflies in the night. They have their own traditions and follow their own calendar until the Dad sees what Sara is missing out on. He decides to sacrifice his Bohemian lifestyle for a more stable living and a comfortable abode. ‘Pearl’ plays on the feelings of every parent; the silent sacrifices and pined hopes the hurt & the disappointment when children outgrow their need, leaving them with the vacuum of feeling unneeded.

When Sara grows into a rebellious teen, she distances from her Dad. The constant verbal blows chafing their once close relationship, the gap widens. But, they remain bound to one another in their mutual love for music. Little does Sara realize that when she strums her guitar, it is her father’s love and discarded legacy that brings out the music from it. It may be her voice, but the words are his. It may be her song, but the music is his. It may be her passion, but it was once his, too…

Sara sets out on her own adventure and ‘Pearl’ witnesses it come full circle. Osborne explores an often overlooked theme, that of a parent-child relation and brings it to a legit end. Alexis Harte & JJ Wiesler’s music does complete justice to the 5:30 minutes long film & Stevan Riley’s editing gives the narration a smooth flow.

‘Pearl’ is a must-watch to celebrate music; love and journeys that help discover our inner stories…

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