An Independent Filmmakers Guide To Preparing & Submitting To Film Festivals is the sum of 30 years of expertise, first-hand experience and insights that come unmatched. Anthony Straeger, its author, has been a filmmaker, writer and producer for over three decades now. Presently a director at the Berlin Sci-Fi Filmfest since 2017, his unique position, evolved from having conducted several workshops, conferences and panels on cinema and its varied aspects, has found its way into his latest work – An Independent Filmmakers Guide To Preparing & Submitting To Film Festivals (FGTSTFF).

All the way from scripting to post-production and then doing the festival rounds, films undergo an arduous, transformative journey. Not to mention, the monetary and emotional investment, another unavoidable factor that makes the entire process gruelling. For filmmakers, the ultimate celebration of their work isn’t the completion of their project, but the moment it reaches the screen and its deserving audience. And film festivals play a significant role in helping them achieve just that. Festival rounds aren’t just about networking or having the chance to have one’s film screened; it’s also the best platform to gain the acclaim and recognition amongst peers and fraternity members. Besides, the chances of future projects, distribution, market visibility all stem from it. If you thought it was easy to find your way around the festival circuit, you’d be surprised.
And that’s where FGTSTFF comes to help. From helping you understand how film festivals work, what they look for, how to strategically present your film, what are the various platforms available for you to engage with, the book is personal. Straeger shares from his own experiences and the lessons learnt along the way in his expansive career. Packed with several tidbits and tricks, the book is resourceful and engaging.
Head to Amazon to get your hands on the latest book that will help demystify the complexity of film marketing and promotion, from one of the industry experts himself.