From the first film festival, The Venice Film Festival in 1932, we have come a long way. Of course, The Venice festival is still running strong, along with what is now the “big five” – Venice, Cannes, Berlin, Toronto, and Sundance. And every year, they garner large crowds. But there are far more than just these.
And you don’t have to leave the U.S. to get your fill of film festivals. They are all over the country and at all times during the year.
Pick Your Pleasure
You can find a film festival featuring singular or multiple genres – horror, educational, documentary, historical, foreign, music, business, and more. And within these genres are awards sub-categories for producers, actors, writers, and such.
If you want diversity, the Columbus International Film and Video Festival in San Francisco (The Chris Awards) offers the most – competitions in virtually all categories.
Like experimental films? Try the Ann Arbor Film Festival – features films by primarily independent filmmakers who want to experiment with new topics, technical aspects, music, and more.
Independent films that feature self-financed filmmakers – Telluride, Sundance, Austin Tribeca, to name a few.
Topic-specific films include such subjects as military, health, human rights, LGBTQ, ethnic groups, women, and more. Such films feature documentaries, education, history, nature and the environment, political and social movements (past and present).
The Impact of Covid on the Film Festival Industry
Even pre-pandemic years began to have an impact on this industry. Streaming options meant that there was a much shorter time from the live showing to its availability to anyone with streaming ability on their devices. As this became more common, festival fans who did not have the money to travel to those they really wanted to attend could gain access eventually.
Enter Covid. A lot of festivals went virtual or some combination of virtual and physical, depending on local or national regulations (in foreign countries especially).
Technology and Covid have caused a major difference in this industry, just as they have in all industries. And there is no going back. But, there certainly have been some benefits. Think dating and romance, for example.

Finding Love and Romance Through Film
People who date are always looking for new and even unique things to do. What could be better than a film festival? Now that Covid restrictions have subsided, a great extended date would be to travel to a film festival and take part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And if finances permit, that might even include international travel.
But even if travel is not in the picture, think in terms of virtual attendance, cozied up in your own place with great food and drink, making even more than one night of it. And the other huge benefit? You get to spend time discussing your reactions to each film – an intellectual connection that tends to increase couple connections.
The digital world has also impacted dating itself. Many singles use online dating apps to establish connections with romantic partners. And if both matched partners share a love for specific film genres, they can watch offerings from film festivals together, at the same time, and spend time video-chatting afterwards. Again, it’s about making romantic connections through a shared interest and experience. If you don’t know any decent dating app to find a romantic partner, download now this one!
The Future of Film Festivals
Will technology cause the eventual demise of film festivals? Highly unlikely. There is just something about the in-person experience of a film festival that cannot be duplicated – the people, the viewings, the panel discussions, the musical entertainment, and other special events. These are experiences that fans cannot have at home.