Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we have eagerly awaited has arrived. It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of the third edition of ISMSFF! Our warmest congratulations go out to each and every one of you. The winners were revealed during a thrilling live event on the 13th of July 2023, following an extraordinary four-hour screening session featuring many short-listed, nominated & winning films.
This edition of ISMSFF has been an extraordinary journey, surpassing our expectations and even surpassing the previous one. Each and every one of you deserves the accolades and recognition that will undoubtedly come your way. Your films have left a lasting impression and set a new benchmark in the world of cinema.
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the winners for entrusting us with the opportunity to host you and showcase your exceptional talents. Your contributions have made this edition of ISMSFF an unforgettable success.
With great enthusiasm and joy, we raise our voices to celebrate each of you! Your creativity, dedication, and passion have paved the way for this momentous achievement.
Without further ado, we present to you the list of Nominees & Winners who have left an indelible mark on ISMSFF’s third edition:
Best Short Film – Nominees
Best Short Film – Winner

Best Documentary – Nominees
Best Documentary – Winner

Best Direction – Nominees
Best Direction – Winner

Best Cinematography – Nominees
Best Cinematography – Winner

Best Editing – Nominees
Best Editing – Winner

Best Music – Nominees
Best Music – Winner

Best Screenplay – Nominees
Best Screenplay – Winner

Best Poster – Nominees
Best Poster – Winner

Audience Choice Awards (Most Voted Film)

Jury Special Mention
Once again, congratulations to all the winners! Your films have made an indelible impact on the cinema world and enriched our lives with their artistry and storytelling. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for making ISMSFF 2022 an unforgettable experience.
You can check out the recording below if you missed the live stream.
With sincere admiration and gratitude,